Head Up Camp: April 25th to 27th - $410
Head up flying is just as fun as it is technical and challenging, come join us for 3 days of just head up flying, learn the fundamentals, exits, break off, and a lot of helpful tips.
This small camp format is perfect for jumpers who are looking to improve their skills in head up static, movement and transitions in a safe environment.
Camp Format:
- 3 day camp. Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
- Participants will be organized by skill level in groups of 4 plus coach.
- Groups will stay the same throughout, unless changes are necessary.
- Coaches will rotate every day. Bringing in different flying styles, and ways to explain the techniques in practice.
- 6 jumps per day (more if there is time). About 40 min between jumps. Plan the flight, Go fly, Pack (use a packer), Video debrief, Repeat.
- Jumps at 15,000ft.​
Minimum Requirements:
- Must be able to safely fly head up in groups of 5 (4 participants plus 1 coach).
- Must be able to control fall rate and proximity in a group of 5. Meaning flying on level and within 10 feet of the base for the whole jump (NEW).
- 200 jumps minimum or have a recommendation from a coach.
- AADs are mandatory
ATTENTION: Everyone registered is committed to 6 jumps a day (weather permitted). That includes: missed jumps due to late arrival to the camp, arriving late for a day, left during a weather hold and missed a quick call jump, left the camp early on the last day, etc. Only exemptions would be any physical/mental condition which would make jumping unsafe.
To Register:
-Go to http://teamfly4life.com/events
-Scroll to the particular event you are interested in and click the SIGN UP button.
-Fill out the form. Only the first 36 people to fill out the form will get the payment link. Everyone else will automatically be added to the waiting list.
-You have 3 days to pay for your spot and ONLY YOUR PAYMENT SECURES YOUR SPOT IN THE CAMP!!
- If you DO NOT meet the camp minimum requirements you may not be allowed to continue jumping with your group for the rest of the camp, and WILL NOT be refunded.
Any questions, please email camps@teamfly4life.com
REGISTRATION OPENS Sunday December 22nd, 2024 @ 12:00pm (noon) EST