Plug&Play Invitational: April 22nd to 24th, 2024 - $
Send an email to Claudio@teamfly4life.com and let him know that you are interested in joining this camp!
Plug & Play brings a different concept and focus in comparison to our other camps, the idea is to mix different elements together in the same airspace: Static, movement, dynamic, pylons and streamers. sounds sick right? Starting with each group flying separate to then start joining all the groups together.
We will play with some ideas that have been tested already and hopefully come up with new stuff and different ways on how we can shoot it, pretty much building a storyline for each jump, for this edition we will play with some color coordination, T-shirt will be provided :)
Camp Format:
- 3 day camp, Monday thru Wednesday
- One plane load of approx. 20 jumpers
- 18.000ft every time
- 18 slots available
- 6 jumps per day
- Big way experience
- Fly comfortably on your belly and back both head up and head down
- Head up and Head down formations (Docks)
- Fly dynamic transitions in the sky
- AADs are mandatory
NEW POLICY CHANGE: Due to DZ policy changes... Everyone registered will pay for every jump their group makes. That includes: missed jumps due to late arrival to the camp, arriving late for a day, left during a weather hold and missed a quick call jump, left the camp early on the last day, etc. Only exemptions would be any physical/mental condition which would make jumping unsafe.
To join- Send an email to Claudio@teamfly4life.com